Logo of the website. It shows a cartoonish black and white Manuel wearing glasses with colorful shades.

Manuel Revelles



For the first semester of our Multimedia module, we had to create and edit different multimedia elements following some given requirements. Most involved a chosen city which, in my case, was my hometown Granada. These have been useful in better understanding graphic design and the tools that can be used.

City brochure

Including minimum two line art and two clipped images of landmarks of the city.

Brochure with title of Granada at the top and various landmarks under it. It has clipped images of The Alhambra, the Court of the Lions and Sierra Nevada. It also has line tracing of a flamenco dancer, the science museum of Granada and a man skying (pasted on top of the image of sierra nevada)
Made with Inkscape and GIMP.
Look at the process here.

Images editing

Cropping yourself into a picture of your city and removing elements from the original picture.

Selfie of Manuel wearing a grey cap and a grey jumper. No distinct background, just a wall.Photograph of The Alhambra from a viewpoint (Mirador de San Nicolás). Both a guitarist playing the guitar and a singer are sitting at the edge of the viewpoing. Final image combining both previous images: this time Manuel appears to be inside the Alhmabra picture. The guitarists have been erased from it, as well as some other small elements of the picture.
Made with GIMP.

Video editing

The video had to be less than one minute long, have at least three landmarks of the city (and minimum five images each). The used song had to be of spanish origin. If video parts were used they shouldn't last longer than 20s in total.

Created with PowerDirector. All images, videos and audio resources used can be found in this simple html file I created to submit with the video.


Create an animation video (à la South Park style) consisting of two characters having a conversation about me having been to Granada and displaying my fake edited photo from the previous assignment.

Warning: cringe central.

Made with PowerDirector, Audacity, Inkscape and GIMP.

Web Development

In case you haven't noticed it yet (or didn't read the home page), you are actually navigating through my main Web Development project! Yes, that's it. For my first semester of Web Dev I created this website from scratch. I'm very proud of it, as not more than two months before it I barely knew what HTML and CSS stood for.

If you think your eyes can take it, you can always visit my first ever webpage I created here.

A bit basic? Definitely... Functional? Sure!

I'll hold on to it as a future reminder of what a couple months, some effort and a good teacher* can do.

*An example is how we learned to apply cascade stylesheets: we had to create a CSS file for a style-less html file we were given about addicted hens: Hypnotherapy for hens! Bananas.